Delta 8 THC For ADHD
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), formerly ADD, affects millions of Americans of all ages. This disorder, which is most commonly diagnosed in children, affects the neurological system, creating cognitive difficulties such as a lack of attention and concentration and hyperactivity, which manifests as a demand for continual stimulation and movement. While ADHD has only been recognized as a problem for a few decades, there are now promising treatment options, most of which rely on prescription medications. Due to sensitivity to certain drugs or lifestyles, many patients would prefer to take a holistic approach to control Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Is Delta 8 THC Beneficial For ADHD Patients? As previously stated, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Condition is caused by a central nervous system malfunction. This system is responsible for maintaining neurotransmitter balance, cognitive processes such as focus and motivation, energy levels, mental ...